SBE19 International Conference
November 2019 Sustainability and Resilience Science in the City - XEWK
September 2019 SBE Malta collaborates with the Institution of Civil Engineers UK Student Chapter at the University of Malta and MGPEI in setting up XEWK: Parametric design - Ultra high durability concrete. Sustainable Concrete:Materials and Structures
FIB International Federation for Structural Concrete. International Conference 2018 SBE16 International Conference
2nd - 4th March 2016 European & the Mediterranean: Towards a Sustainable Built Environment GREEN MALTA DEBATE 02
Renewable Energy Sources in the Maltese Landscape February 27th, 2015 Introducing the EVG-3D Construction System in Malta
Date: 20th June 2013 0930 Venue: Portomaso Suite, Hilton Organised by: JMV Vassallo Vibroblocks, in collaboration with Kamra tal-Periti, SBE Malta and the Faculty for the Built Environment, University of Malta. Restoration in Italy Exhibition
Date: April - June 2013 Venue: Istituto Italiano di Cultura & Foyer, Faculty for the Built Environment, University of Malta. Restoration in Italy
Date: 25th April 2013, 1900 Organised by: The Italian Embassy and the Italian Culture Institute, in collaboration with the Faculty for the Built Environment, Kamra Tal-Periti, SACES and SBE Malta. Opening of Exhibition: Giovanni Umberto De Vito (Italian Ambassador) & Dott.ssa Maria Concetta Laurenti (Istituto Centrale per la Conservazione ed il Restauro, Rome) Fire Performance of Building Construction Materials & Structures
Date: 15th February 2013, 16.00 Main Speaker: Dr. MONICA HAJPAL Venue: Board Room, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malta. Water Resources in a Changing World:; Challenges & Opportunities
Date: 2nd November 2012, 18.00 Main Speaker: Prof. VLADIMIR CVETCOVIC Venue: Radisson SAS Hotel St Julians, Malta Towards a Sustainable Built Environment
Date: 28th August 2012, 16.00 Main Speaker: JEAN CINQ-MARS Venue: Xrobb il-Ghagin Sustainable Development Centre, Malta |
May 2020 iiSBE members have developed a short preliminary document to stimulate discussion on the relationship between pandemics and sustainable built environment. ![]()
CESBA Med Interreg International Project
October 2019 Sustainable Med Cities: Sustainability Assessment Tool: SBTool_Urban & SBTool_Building; Sustainability Assessment e Learning- Training Course. EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT opening SBE 16 MALTA
March 2016 Commissioner Karmenu Vella accepted the invitation of SBE Malta to open the International Conference SBE 16 Malta on the 18th March 2016. GREEN Key Certification - FEE
2013 SBE Malta has been entrusted with the Green key certifiation of Hotels in Malta by FEE Foundation for Environmantal Education International and NTM Malta (Nature Trust Malta). SBE President appointed GREEN Key Jury Chair Internationa Award - Energy Globe
May 2013 The Xrobb il-Ghagin Sustainable Development Centre in Malta - Managed by Nature Trust Malta - was awarded the Energy Globe Award during the awards ceremony at the Austrian Embassy in Rome. The project design team included Ruben Paul Borg and Cyril Spiteri Staines, of SBE Malta. iiSBE Malta National Chapter
January 2013 SBE Malta officially recognsed as iiSBE National Chapter. SBE Malta President elected on the Board of Diretcors of iiSBE HYDRIA International Project
January 2013 SBE Malta is engaged on the new Research Project HYDRIA. SBE Malta 2012-2013 Council
December 2012 New SBE Malta Council Elected Ruben Paul Borg [President] Cyril Spiteri Staines [Vice President] Paul Gauci [Secretary General] Joseph Galea [Member] Wendy Attard [Member] Etienne Fenech [Member] |
Proceedings of International Conference MALTA 2019 Sustainable Concrete:Materials and Structures
FIB International Federation for Structural Concrete. International Conference 2018 Materials Science and Engineering IOP
Volume 442:2018 SCOPUS Indexed SBE 16 Malta
Proceedings of International Conference MALTA 2016 |