Pandemics and Sustainability of the Built Environment
The COVIDd-19 pandemic has made visible some important conflicts between pandemic health requirements and the ability to satisfy these in buildings of various occupancy types. Some requirements can be satisfied with changes in the way that buildings are managed, or with minor renovation; but others require more substantial changes which may not be easy to implement in the short- or mid-term. Other issues move beyond the scale of buildings into urban scales, and then there are the even larger questions of state/provincial and/or national governments taking up the task of post-pandemic reconstruction. The point of departure in launching this enquiry was our concern that the immediate need to deal with the adaptation of buildings to the pandemic, might take our collective eye off the equally crucial but less immediately visible issues of sustainability performance of the built environment and climate change action. The document consists of a combination of referenced sources and more subjective inputs, reflecting the recent and fast-moving nature of the issue. The paper will occasionally be updated as more information becomes available and as our knowledge increases. Nils Larsson, FRAIC Executive Director, iiSBE Editor